ASGS Awards

The American Scientific Glassblowers Society finds it an honor to recognize outstanding individuals who are active in supporting the Society’s mission of education, demonstration, and outreach through their involvement and service at the national and local levels. Recognition is given through the following awards:

National Awards

J. Allen Alexander Award

Named in honor of the founder of the ASGS, J. Allen Alexander. Presented each year for recognition of a member with outstanding contributions in furthering the aims and ideals of the ASGS.

Helmut E. Drechsel Achievement Award

Presented to a member for recognition of their tireless efforts in promoting and promulgating the ASGS and the field of Scientific Glassblowing.

Memorial Award

This award has been named to honor members on the Memorial Scroll of Honor which commemorates those deceased individuals whose contributions to the advancement of both the science and the art of glassblowing and the ASGS were of outstanding importance.

The award is presented to a junior member who shows early interest in participating in ASGS activities. The purpose is to stimulate and encourage active and continued participation in the field of Scientific Glassblowing by outstanding Junior Members. The Award recipient will receive a spot in the Joseph S. Gregar Junior Member Workshop, an Award Certificate Plaque at the Awards Banquet, and up to $1500 of expense reimbursement to attend the ASGS Annual Symposium.

The reimbursement covers up to $1500 for the following items: travel – plane or vehicle (mileage rate per IRS guidelines); lodging to attend the symposium (must be booked at the hotel where the symposium is hosted and does NOT cover additional days before or after); registration fees for the symposium and banquet (does not cover fees associated with additional seminars or workshops beyond the Junior Workshop); transportation fees to/from airport (taxi, Uber/Lyft or bus); and parking fees at the airport or hotel. All receipts must be submitted to the National Office, Awards Committee, and National Treasurer within 90 Days of the end of the symposium in order to be reimbursed.


Section Awards

Art Dolenga Award

Presented by the Great Lakes Section. The Arthur Dolenga Award is given by the Great Lakes Section of the ASGS for administrative, technical, or fraternal contributions worthy of society recognition.

Many contributors are deserving of recognition that might go uncelebrated by our fellows and numerous candidates abound at the highest levels. This is intended to be offered for recognition on virtually any level and doesn’t require that you even be a member. There is that especially important “fraternal” component which in great measure dictates the glue that binds the ASGS together and is inherent in partnership with most of whatever we do. Main requirement: Integrity.


Dana Sampson 

This award is presented each year by the Southeastern Section of the ASGS for the best Lamp Shop Hint published during the year in the ASGS’s quarterly journal, FUSION.

Delaware Valley

The Delaware Valley Section of the ASGS sponsors a Junior Member’s attendance at the National Symposium. Junior Members from the Delaware Valley section place their names in a box for each section meeting attended. At the end of the year, a candidate is picked from the names in the box.


The Exhibitors of the ASGS sponsor a Junior Member’s attendance at the National Symposium. The qualifications for this award involve submitting a resume, being a scientific glass student or Junior member working in the field, and must be an actively contributing member of ASGS. (Starting in 2019 this award is presented every other year.)

Karl H. Walther

Presented by the North East Section for the best article published during the year in the ASGS’s quarterly journal, FUSION.

Midwest Section

This award is given to deserving ASGS Members for their many contributions to the Midwest Section of the ASGS. The candidates can be from the Midwest or any other section. We also include Associate Members for award consideration. Candidates are recommended by Midwest Section members and voted on by the Midwest Section Executive.

Randy Searle Award

The Southeastern Section of the ASGS is proud to offer an award to assist a Junior/Student Member who is pursuing a career in scientific glassblowing to attend the National Symposium. The recipient will be reimbursed for travel, lodging, and registration expenses associated with the National Symposium up to $1000. All applicants must be Junior or Student Members in good standing with the ASGS and must attend the two-day Junior Member Workshop.

Symposium Awards

John J. Hauer Award

GM Associates Award is given in honor of one of their deceased employees. The John J. Hauer Award is for outstanding technical paper presentation at an American Scientific Glassblowers Society Symposium.

This award was first named the Kermit Fischer Award, sponsored by Lab-Crest Scientific Division of the Fischer & Porter Company in honor of its founder. The first of these awards was presented at the 21st Symposium in Chicago, Illinois, in June 1976. The award was then sponsored by the Andrews Glass Company as the Andrews Glass Award. The name was then changed to the Dennis Courtney Award in honor of Andrews Glass Company’s founder.

Wale Award

The Wale Award, presented by Wale Apparatus Company, is for outstanding technical poster presentation at an American Scientific Glassblowers Society Symposium.

The first of these awards was presented at the 34th Symposium in Milwaukee in June 1989.

William A. Wilt Sr. Award

The Wilt Award is for an outstanding Workshop Demonstration at an American Scientific Glassblowers Society Symposium.

The Wilt Award is provided by Wilt Industries in honor of its founder. The first of these awards was presented at the 45thSymposium at Incline Village, Lake Tahoe, Nevada June 2000.