From: ku.gro.aeaku@nosraeP.naI (Ian Pearson) (by way of William M. Curtis) Sent: 4/19/1999 2:22:10 PM To: moc.spuorge@liamsgsa Cc: Bcc: Subject: [asgsmail] BSSG SYMPOSIUM REPORT 1996 BSSG SYMPOSIUM REPORT By Ian Pearson At long last I am able to report the activities ( well most of them ) that went on at this years BSSG Symposium. The reason for the delay is that I have finally recovered so we must have had a good time!!!! The evevt took place at Gourock not to far away from Glasgow, Scotland from the 19th to 21st september 1996. Over eighty glassblowers from all over the world were in attendance. The Chairmen of the Dutch and German scientific glassblowing societies were present as were glassblowers from Australia,Canada and Switzerland. The lectures covered a wide range of subjects including; Laser cutting of glass by Jan Vervest of Louwers Harpet Privitisation by Fred Leslie rom Toronto University Training by Norman Ellis and Denis Goodwin from Bibby and Glass Training Ltd. Computing by Martin McCann of Glasgow University Semi conductors by Prof. J. Marsh of Glasgow University Polmers by Prof. David Sherrington of Strathclyde University Jacobite Glass by George Neilson of Drambuie Looking at lampwork by Brian Blench As well as these lectures there were several poster sessions, one by Willie McCormack concerned the making of a glass flute. Willie demonstrated the finished article by playing some Scottish tunes. Fred Leslie gave a poster session on flat flanges, unfortunately this was curtailed somewhat by the fact that the hotel had to be evacuated at this time due to an overzealous glassblower with a big flame! I blame Fritz Akerboom from St Andrews University. Amongst the posters was the Internet notice board which created much interest and I wish to take this opportunity to thank all those who responded to my appeal. I will contact you individually, in the meantime thaks and I haven’t forgotten about you.We must do this again and suggest other Societies follow our lead. There were several trade stands including;B & C,Bibby Sterilin, Glass Training ltd,Heathway, Heraeus, J. Young, Louwers Harpet, Plowden and Thompson, Radleys, Schott, Sun Life of Canada, and U.Q.G. ltd. The Symposium could not have been possible without the generosity of the sponsores;Bibby Sterilin, Chance Bros, Hampshire R& D Glassware, J. Young (scientific glassware )ltd,Scotia Glass Technology Village Glass, Schott G lass Ltd and Sun Life of Canada who sponsored the companions programme on the Friday. At the BSSG AGM important changes to the rules were passed. these include Corporate membership, and dropping the taking of an exam to become a full member. There will be no full members,just members and certified members, other grades remain unchanged.Also it was decided to connect the BSSG Society office to the Internet and construct a WWW Page- watch this space!! The annual dinner took place on the Friday evening and included the presentation of awards. Past BSSG Chairman Fred Porter was made an Honorary Member,Paul le Pinnet who has been BSSG Treasurer in the past for Read More …

97 ASGS Symposium Web Page

From: Michael Palme <ac.retsamcm@memlap> (by way of William M. Curtis) Sent: 4/19/1999 2:24:48 PM To: moc.spuorge@liamsgsa Cc: Bcc: Subject: [asgsmail] 97 ASGS Symposium Web Page Hello Fellow Glassblowers, Once again the symposium page has been updated. It now contains all theinfo you could want about the symposium includuing the seminars to beheld, and registration fees etc. Please drop by the web site athttp://www.science.mcmaster.ca/glass/forinvit.htm and start to makeyour plans for the 1997 symposium. For those of you who may have asection meeting upcoming in the near future please mention the web siteto your attendees, and supply them with the web page address. Lets tryto stimulate some extra interest in our symposium and make this the bestever attended symposium.— Michael Palme, Supervisor,McMaster University Glassblowing Shop1280 Main St. West ABB 142Hamilton, OntarioL8S 4M1(905) 525-9140 ext. 24566ac.retsamcm@memlaphttp://www.science.mcmaster.ca/glass/index.html ————————————————————————eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/asgsmailFree Web-based e-mail groups by eGroups.com

1997 Symposium Web Page

From: Michael Palme <ac.retsamcm@memlap> (by way of William M. Curtis) Sent: 4/19/1999 2:24:37 PM To: moc.spuorge@liamsgsa Cc: Bcc: Subject: [asgsmail] 1997 Symposium Web Page Hello Fellow Glassblowers, The ASGS 1997 Symposium web site has been updated with lots of new information about our 1997 symposium. Please drop by the web site at http://www.science.mcmaster.ca/glass/forinvit.htm and start to make your plans for the 1997 symposium. — Michael Palme, Supervisor, McMaster University Glassblowing Shop 1280 Main St. West ABB 142 Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4M1 (905) 525-9140 ext. 24566 ac.retsamcm@memlap http://www.science.mcmaster.ca/glass/index.html ———————————————————————— eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/asgsmail Free Web-based e-mail groups by eGroups.com

Fusion V17 Issue 1 Feb 1970

Flange Calculator

%CODE5% Flange Calculator Calculate the length of tubing (Length) necessary to make a flange of Diameter A and thickness L Note: choose your own unit – inches (decimal) or millimeters. L A B C   Length

Conical Flange Calculator

%CODE4% Conical Flange Calculator Calculate the length of tubing (Length) necessary to make a conical flange of diameter A, upper thickness L1 and total lenght L2 Note: choose your own unit – inches (decimal) or millimeters. L1 L2 A B C   Length

Bulb Calculator

%CODE3% Bulb Calculator   Calculate the length of tubing (Length) necessary to make a bulb of a desired diameter, as well as its volume (Volume)     D1 mm   E1 mm   D2 mm   E2 mm     Length mm   Volume ml

Beaded Pipe Calculator

%CODE7% Bead Calculator   Calculate the length (L) of tubing necessary to make a bead of a desired size (r)     r   D   E     L   Total Bead Diameter

Cylinder Volume Calculator

%CODE1%  Cylinder Volume Calculator   Calculate the relationship between the volume of a cylinder, radius and its length. Enter any two values and it will compute the third value. ENTER ANY TWO VALUES Radius clear Height clear Volume clear Calculate Clear  

FUSION, Journal of the ASGS

Fusion is a quarterly journal of the American Scientific Glassblowers Society dedicated to the following mission and purpose: Mission of Fusion: The mission of Fusion is to publish meaningful information that has been submitted to the ASGS for the benefit of its members and to allow advertisers a medium in which they can successfully promote their product to those who would benefit the most from it. Purpose of Fusion: The purpose of Fusion is to disseminate instructive information to the ASGS membership gleaned from the learning and real life experiences of our members who submit papers worthy of publication. Advertising in Fusion: Fusion is supported heavily by our advertisers to whom we are ever grateful. If you would like to advertise in the journal please read the rates and additional information from the Rate Card pdf below. If there are other questions or clarifications please contact the National Office (email or phone: 716 353-8062). Download the Rate Card Submitting Papers and Articles in Fusion: If you are interested in submitting an article, lampshop hint, tip or trick please contact the Publication Committee.