Classified Ads

email: gro.ssalg-sgsa@eciffo-ltan

phone: 716 353-8062


Our company is interested in purchasing a glasshouse in the USA

Scientific and/or Quartz Glass production and book of business

are a PLUS

Inquiries should be sent to


with BOX 4141 in the subject line.

Well maintained equipment for sale

Heathway 3″ Preform lathe. 11ft bed, with 3 Heathway scroll chucks made in 2000 $10k

Large Heathway wet saw $5k

Felker Di-met 18″ wet saw $ 2500 (2x)

Dyna-cut 14″ wet saws $3k each

Bethlehem GL100 Lab Lathe $6k

Wilt 200 quartz bell oven $4k

Wilt 4″ belt sander $1k

Rockwell glass drill press $1500

Call: 614.595.9760

Technical Glass Products Limited

Long-established and successful New Zealand supplier of scientific and technical glassware, Technical Glass Products Limited, is being offered for sale.

TGP imports, stocks and sells scientific and technical glassware and includes a glassblowing facility which manufactures both its own TGP Brand and OEM brands. Distribution includes direct sale to industry, universities and government laboratories, and wholesale to scientific and industrial supply companies. TGP is also the primary supplier of materials to New Zealand’s scientific glassblowing community.

For a basic overview of the company visit the website :

TGP employs two full-time and one part-time staff and is based in the university city of Dunedin but could be operated from any major national centre.

The business would suit a glassblower wishing to operate a broader-based business and represents a unique opportunity to live and work in New Zealand.

An initial lease on the present premises can be arranged as part of purchase arrangements.

Genuine expressions of interest are invited, for further information contact : zn.oc.ssalgpgt@nhoj

For Sale

7 cases 7052 original boxes 42lb each 1.5″ OD .085″ wall

123 lengths 7052 9.33mmOD 5.8mm ID

60 lengths 7052 21.3mmOD 18mm ID

18 lengths 7052 36mm OD 32mm ID

13 lengths 7052 33mm OD 29mm ID

16 lengths 7052 .75″ OD .63″ ID

8 4ft lengths 3320 51mm OD 45.8mm ID

3lb 4 ft lengths 3320 6mm OD

Silver Nitrate 3 1 lb, 1 4lb

New Litton Carriage 8 Burner Stainless $ 750

New Litton Carriage 6 Burner Stainless $ 600

New Litton Carriage 4 Burner Stainless $300

New Litton Carriage 2 Burner Stainless $250

Please contact ten.nozirev@gnineirbd



American Lathe, model 5100, 88mm spindle bore, 95mm scroll chuck bore, 835mm between scroll chucks, 317mm radial clearance. Gas saver included. $7,999.

Contact: Harris at 781-974-8248



Quartz Burners

Premix & Surface Mix

Floor model 100 mm bore lathe scroll chucks

High speed – Sale price $12,500 special


ph 972-562-0004


The Library of Symposium Workshops on DVDs is available to members only for a cost of $350.00 plus shipping for the complete 38 DVD collection. Individual years are also available for purchase at $35.00 per year.

Please call the National Office with your order at 716-353-8062


Fusion archives are available to members only for the incredible price of $40.00. This is a four CD set of Fusion starting with the first issue published in 1954 through 2004.

Please call the National Office with your order at 716-353-8062.


The Library of Proceedings is available to members only for a cost of $30.00. This is a 2 CD set of Proceedings starting with the first volume published in 1956 through 2001.

Please call the National Office with your order at 716-353-8062.