Exhibitor Section

Upcoming Meeting – June 2018 during the Symposium at the Antlers Hotel in Colorado Springs


The Exhibitor Group Section is comprised of companies that have been supporting the Scientific Glassblowing industry in the United States and other countries.  We hold a meeting once per year at the Annual ASGS Symposium site to discuss our annual award to an ASGS Junior or Student member and the annual Symposium Exhibition. The Exhibitor Group Section is now coordinating nearly all aspects and activities of the Exhibition portion of the Symposium.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Exhibitors Section or exhibiting at a Symposium, please contact our current Exhibitor Group Section Director, Dennis Wargo at the below email or contact the National Office.

ASGS Exhibitor Group Section Junior/Student Member Sponsorship

For: The American Scientific Glassblowers Society, Annual Symposium.

The Exhibitor Group Section of the ASGS is proud to offer an award to assist a Junior/Student Member who is pursuing a career in scientific glassblowing to attend the National Symposium. The recipient will be reimbursed for travel, lodging, and registration expenses associated with the National Symposium up to $1000.


  1. You must be a Junior, or Student member in good standing of the American Scientific Glassblowers Society, as of the deadline.
  2. The recipient must have gained a majority of their income through the field of scientific glassblowing for a period of 1 year prior to application (must include proof of employment and percentage of income), or be a student in an accredited program for Scientific Glassblowing working toward a degree in Scientific Glassblowing (documentation required).
  3. The recipient must agree to submit a travel expense report, including all receipts for goods and services rendered.
  4. The recipient must attend the National Symposium, all Junior Member Workshops and the Awards Banquet.
  5. The recipient will attend the Exhibitor Group meeting, for the purpose of introduction.
  6. Applicant must submit a resume to the Sponsorship Committee Chair listed within, no later than March 15th. On or before March 30th the Sponsorship Committee will choose the recipient.
  7. Agreement that the recipient will notify the Sponsorship Committee of intent to attend the Symposium no later than April 15th, at which time an alternate will be selected if necessary.
  8. Applicant must not have been a prior recipient of this award or currently a recipient of any other sponsorship.
  9. Application for the award cannot be made if funds or sponsorship is available through employment.

How to increase your chances of winning: Attend section meetings, become an officer of your section, chair a committee, volunteer time at symposiums, PREPARE A GREAT RESUME!!.

Sponsorship Committee Chair:  Send resume to Bonnie A. Clark at moc.loa@wdjncab


Our Officers:

Director: Dennis Wargo                      Email

Alternate Director:


Vice Chair:

Secretary: Scott Camp

Treasurer: Dave Surdam


***Reminder:  You can click on the advertisers banner at the bottom of our pages and go directly to the advertiser’s website!  Please support these vendors that are advertising in all 4 issues of FUSION this year!  Thank you!