Fusion is a quarterly journal of the American Scientific Glassblowers Society dedicated to the following mission and purpose:
Mission of Fusion:
The mission of Fusion is to publish meaningful information that has been submitted to the ASGS for the benefit of its members and to allow advertisers a medium in which they can successfully promote their product to those who would benefit the most from it.
Purpose of Fusion:
The purpose of Fusion is to disseminate instructive information to the ASGS membership gleaned from the learning and real-life experiences of our members who submit papers worthy of publication.
Advertising in Fusion:
Fusion is supported heavily by our advertisers to whom we are ever grateful. If you would like to advertise in the journal please read the rates and additional information from the Rate Card pdf below. If there are other questions or clarifications please contact the National Office (email or phone: 716 353-8062). Download the Rate Card here and the Ad Reservation Form here.
Submitting Papers and Articles in Fusion:
If you are interested in submitting an article, lamp shop hint, tip, or trick please contact the Publication Committee.