Interested in joining our society? Whether a Seasoned Scientific Glassblower, Artistic interest, Student, or Retired we have a place for you. Membership is for professional glassblowers, suppliers of scientific glassware and equipment, or simply those who have a close association or interest in glass and scientific glassblowing.
REGULAR MEMBERSHIP – Regular membership is for those who have for five consecutive years and currently gain the major portion of their income as a scientific glassblower.
JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP – Junior membership is for those who actively engage in scientific glassblowing with less than five years of experience.
ARTISTIC MEMBERSHIP – Artistic membership is for those who actively participate in artistic glassblowing.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP – Associate membership is for those who have either a close association or interest in scientific glassblowing.
STUDENT MEMBERSHIP – Student membership is for those who are actively enrolled in an accredited Scientific Glassblowing curriculum such as Salem Community College Program. Only two years of eligibility is allowed.
INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIP – International membership is for those residing in areas not represented by the Board of Directors outside the United States and Canada.
CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP – Since this Membership relates possibly to multiple individual classifications (noted above) please download and review the Corporate Subscriber document – HERE
ASGS membership includes numerous opportunities to exchange techniques and information throughout the year in our many programs and activities.
- AN ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM with seminars, workshops, technical papers and posters underscores the Society’s dedication to the education of its members. The symposium provides an excellent venue for networking with colleagues and for equipment manufacturers and suppliers to display their products.
- THE QUARTERLY PUBLICATION FUSION contains technical articles (mostly written by members), references and abstracts from other publications, book reviews, new product information, local section reports, and announcements, committee reports, and information about health and safety concerns. Fusion is an excellent source for vendor information with ads of goods and services (specifically related to scientific glassblowing). Classified ads for used equipment and surplus glass, as well as employment opportunities round out the offerings. A Fusion subscription is a member benefit but is also available to non-members and institutes by subscription.
- THE ASGS PROCEEDINGS contains the technical papers from each symposium. This is free to all members.
- EMAIL TECHNICAL Q&A DISCUSSION GROUP for technical queries makes the expertise of hundreds of professionals with many years of combined experience available to members, often in a matter of minutes.
- A MEMBERS-ONLY SECTION on the ASGS web site containing technical information and online search and download PDF’s of over 1400 technical papers published in Fusion and Proceedings.
- LOCAL SECTION MEETINGS throughout the U.S. and Canada with instructional programs, workshops and where suppliers exhibit their glassware and equipment.
- AN EXTENSIVE ONLINE LIBRARY OF DEMO VIDEOS 35+ videos that document various methods and techniques of scientific glassblowing. These instructive videos, which range from basic skills appropriate for our Junior members to unusual techniques needed for complicated assemblies, can be accessed online or through our lending library by request.
Membership runs from January 1 to December 31. The membership classification is determined by an application process to determine the appropriate status and dues.
Current Dues:
Regular | $127.00 |
Associate | $127.00 |
Junior | $88.00 |
Artistic | $127.00 |
International | $154.00 |
Student | $39.00 |
Retired | $66.00 |
Our online application is a quick easy way to submit your request to join the society. Payment is processed through PayPal. If you are unsure what member status you should apply for please contact the National Office by phone: 716 353-8062.
Continue to the Online Application – Click Here