This Award has been named in honor of deceased members on the Memorial Scroll of Honor in order to commemorate those individuals whose contributions to the advancement of both the science and the art of glassblowing and the ASGS were of outstanding importance.
The award is presented to a junior member who shows early interest in participating in ASGS activities. The purpose is to stimulate and encourage active and continued participation in the field of Scientific Glassblowing by outstanding Junior Members. The Award recipient will receive and Award Certificate Plaque at the Awards Banquet and an expense paid trip to the ASGS annual Symposium.
1987 Ian B. Duncanson
1988 NONE
1989 Donald Woodyard
1990 Colin Chandler
1991 Laura Thacker
1992 Steve M. Anderson
1993 Lisa Malchow
1994 Anastacio Bonilla
1995 Michael Campbell
1996 Daniel Vogt
1997 James R. Hodgson
1998 Tracy Drier
1999 Kenneth E. Owens
2000 Richard J. Ponton
2001 Jeff Noyes
2002 Charles D. Christman
2003 Chris Marshall
2004 Kellie Wannett
2005 Philip Legge
2006 Joe Flunker
2007 Kevin Moeller
2008 Jason Craig
2009 Arial Rom
2010 Dan Coyle
2011 Kathryn Jones
2012 Adam Kennedy
2013 Matthew McDonald
2014 Benjamin Revis
2015 Sabrina Belanger
2016 Erin Mayberry
2017 Andrew Gibbs
2018 Corina Guerra
2019 Jill Korgemagi
2020/2022 Michael D’Acquisto
2023 Eamon King